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Big Bend, TX. November 7, 2016

Big Bend, TX. November 7, 2016

Big Bend National Park

There is a place in Far West Texas where night skies are dark as coal and rivers carve temple-like canyons in ancient limestone. Here, at the end of the road, hundreds of bird species take refuge in a solitary mountain range surrounded by weather-beaten desert. Tenacious cactus bloom in sublime southwestern sun, and diversity of species is the best in the country. This magical place is Big Bend.

Views overlooking the Coahuila and Chihuahua States, Mexico. (Where will DJT build his Wall??)

Views overlooking the Coahuila and Chihuahua States, Mexico. (Where will DJT build his Wall??)

We arrived at the Mountain Lodge in the Chisos Basin late afternoon after a very long drive from New Mexico. This did not seem to interfere with Michel and Pierre's ongoing hunt for the lowest gas price per gallon. Véronique was more concerned by the quality of our upcoming meals (so was Isabelle...) and was focussing on the picnic in preparation of our big hike!



Next day, Isabelle stayed at the Lodge (unfortunately still grounded by her ankle) while Michel, Véronique and Pierre went on a day long hike: The South Rim Trail, 15 miles and 2,000ft vertical to the most southern tip of the Big Bend National Park overlooking Mexico. This was a wonderful hike with a good climb.

Our efforts were widely rewarded with stunning views over Mexico - while enjoying a well deserved  and a profesionally prepared picnic....

Our return back down took us through beautiful flora, a multitude of different types of cactus and beautiful flowers. Not to mention, gorgeous views over the Chisos Basin.

We were happy to be back at the Lodge and find Isabelle in good spirit despite the grounding. She still had managed to wander around the Lodge and enjoy the magnificent scenery. We couldn't wait for dinner and rush to the bar where the only TV was available to watch the election night results.   

And there, in one of the most remote and beautiful outposts of the United States of America, we saw the unthinkable unfold.....

DJT had won the elections!!!!

DJT had won the elections!!!!

Marfa, TX. November 10, 2016

Marfa, TX. November 10, 2016

Santa Fe, NM. November 3, 2016

Santa Fe, NM. November 3, 2016