
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

Decazeville to Rocamadour August 2022

Decazeville to Rocamadour August 2022

Again, we meet Véronique et Michel D. for our annual walk!

First leg Decazeville (to avoid absolutely) to Figeac,

We stay 2 nights in Figeac, time to enjoy the city in the evenings. Notre Dame du Puy and l’Eglise St Sauveur…

and The Champollion Museum.

Walking to Lacapelle-Marival…

to Issendolus and Gramat to our Hotel du Causse where we enjoyed so much swimming in the pool on this very hot day!

The “amazing family”!!!

to Rocamadour thru Le Moulin du Saut.

Rocamadour: the Sanctuary with its Unesco listed Basilique Saint Sauveur,

The Chapelle Notre Dame with the Vierge Noire Statue:

Last walk in the Parc Naturel Régional des Causses du Quercy⁩, ⁨Espédaillac, Marcilhac-sur-Célé, Brengues⁩ and our Hotel Beau Site restaurant terrace that we enjoyed so much!

Until next year!

The Basque Country September 2022

The Basque Country September 2022

Ars Summer 2022

Ars Summer 2022