
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

Summer/Autumn 2021 France

Summer/Autumn 2021 France

Ars, Paris museums & The Triumph Arc Wrapped, Sologne, Royan, The Cordouan Lighthouse.

In Paris, we meet our adorable new niece, Elisa.

We quickly drive to Ars where we start all over again! Friends: Sophie & Philippe C., Laurence & François L., Odile & Bernard T., yummy picnics, beach, sailing, nature… A visit from Caroline & Hervé L. Plus a little job from François L. to Pierre…

On May 14, Joe V. goes on the other side… Our hearts go to Debbie, Courtney, Brian and Caroline who wrote this beautiful posting that made me cry even more…

On June 14 the Miami gang arrives for 2 months. Danielle & Arthur will be working remotely.

We celebrate Isabelle’s 4th birthday a few days late.

Our old friends Sophie & Jacques de G. visit for a week-end. Some of us have fun refurbishing our find at the antique fair! The bench is now eggplant color!

And the fun continues with Donin’s merry go round, walks, poney classes and sailing. And we get more very yummy treats!!!!

The first few days in July, Pierre and I spend some time in Paris visiting: La Samaritaine newly renovated by LVMH and La Bourse du Commerce reinvented by Pinault for his art collection.

Back in Ars, chasing Waou the neighborhood dog, and doing arts & crafts (it has been raining a little bit too much this summer)…

We do a lot of family photos shoots!

Donin’s, surfing and bump cars races! Agathe loves it all!

The cousins get together while we do our annual walk.

By the end of our walk, the kids are visiting their friends in Pyla:

We all meet in Ars for more family time!

Getting ready to fly back to Miami… Covid tests…

And some last tricks at the beach with Agathe!

Mi Août Mamie stays with us with the help of Adélia & Patrice. We celebrate our birthdays with Pascal.

A few days with Véronique & Michel in Ars: a walk with Laurence L., a memorable sailing outing with Juliette & Frédéric D. With apéro from Juliette and falling in the water from Pierre!

On the very last day a visit in Les Portes and a lunch with Isabelle d’Y.

A quick visit from Isabel W. & Martin E. who discover l’Ile de Ré for the first time!

And from Michèle & Olivier R. and Michèle & J-P. A. Plus goofing around with the gang!!!

Agathe enjoys some spa time… I do to!

Amazing sundown opera and cocktails on the water.

It is getting colder… Pierre harvests the almonds (a LOT of almonds this year but no figs…) We also celebrate Odile T. birthday with Dominique & Jacques and Beryl & Rex.

In Paris we are fascinated by the Arc de Triomphe wrapped by Jeanne-Claude & Christo.

We visit the Hotel de la Marine with our own favorite auctioneer :) Elsa M.! The Hôtel de la Marine was originally the home of the royal Garde-Mobile, the office managing the furnishing of all royal properties. It is just newly renovated and truly breathtaking!

After a few days in Portugal, Agathe is going back home to Bali via Dubaï for her performance at T Fest. Still a quarantine going on to enter Indonesia…

Le brame du cerf (the deer slab) in Sologne at Caroline & Hervé L.

The love parade that has made deer famous. We can hear the remarkable slab at the edge of the forest. Love calls can be heard from mid-September to early October.

October already… Our old friends from INSEAD Gaby & Paul K. and Nick M. are visiting from Italy and England. What a treat!

We visit La Rochelle and it’s gargantuesque market.

DA memorable day trip to Royan and The Phare de Cordouan with Sophie & Philippe and Christine B. with a little car delay at the end of the day…

Notre-Dame de Royan, the concrete cathedral!

Allied bombing between September 1944 and April 1945 destroyed the town. Known then as the "martyred city", it was declared a "Laboratory of research on urbanism", and it is now a showcase of the Modernist architecture of the 1950s.

Thanks to Beryl & Rex, they let us stay in their apartment in Paris and use their tickets to La FIAC Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain. The view from their terrace and a sculpture from Marisa Merz: In the 1960s, Merz was the only female protagonist associated with the radical Arte povera movement.

The Grand Palais Ephémère where the fair is held. It is a temporary exhibition hall in the Champ de Mars by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

At The Fondation Louis Vuitton:

The Collection Morozov: Alexandre Golovine, Paul Gauguin, Edward Munch, Paul Cézanne, Picasso, Mikhail Larionov, Vincent Van Gogh, Henri Matisse, Ben Sledsens, David Zwirner.

A different view on Giorgia O’Keeffe’s work at Centre Pompidou:

At the Musée des Arts Décoratifs: the genius “Thierry Mugler” and the rich” Cartier et les arts de l’Islam”.

The fabulous Anni & Josef Albers exhibit at The Musée d’Art Moderne!

Finally a sweet family visit with Christine, Jim, Anne-Douce, Gregory, Marie et Théo.

Walking thru the Tuileries to l’Orangerie for a photos show… Paris is always a treat!

Back to Ars for Halloween, last walks thru the Marais with friends and crafting my fishes with twigs…


The Wonder Women!

And Supermen!

Le Puy en Velay to Tremolat July 2021

Le Puy en Velay to Tremolat July 2021

February  2021 back in Miami Beach.

February 2021 back in Miami Beach.