
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

Barcelona, Spain. May 25,2016

Barcelona, Spain. May 25,2016

Barcelona's number one attraction: La Sagrada Familia - Jacquinet of course!

We also loved cruising the streets of this great city:

and working with Agathe's designer, Ceskus, who took us around town with his friend Gorgi.

Not to miss: The wonderful Barcelona's Picasso Museum:

and the unique Sagrada Familia Basilica:

A quick visit to Sitges with Salima and Damien. Souvenir Lane for Isabelle (you can ask her about it!).

Highlight of the day: Ice cream expedition with the kids.


Last dinner with Salima and Damien at El Nacional, the Barcelona version of Eataly.  The best Tapas of the trip.

We are sad to leave Barcelona and the Jacquinets but we know DJ & DJ need some quality time together!

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Madrid, Spain. May 28, 2016

Madrid, Spain. May 28, 2016

Costa Brava, Spain. May 21, 2016

Costa Brava, Spain. May 21, 2016