
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

London October 2023

London October 2023

Happy together :)

Their new home: 68 Gibson Square London N10RA

After the infamous Sunday Roast :((, a long walk to the Souhtbank, to meet Edward Wilcox, Marie-Laure and their baby Chloë

Lunch at the kids with Victoire and her baby Gabriel

Visiting London

Marina Abramovic at The Royal Academy of Arts, a work with crystals

At the Tate Modern: El Anatsui https://elanatsui.art/biography

And the amazing Guerrilla Girls, an anonymous group of feminist, female artists devoted to fighting sexism and racism within the art world.

Everyday we take the girls to their Circus Camp, no more car, we take the bus, city life! They love it and know already their routes!

So funny, foxes roam around the city at night…

Nick is celebrating his 75th birthday with a lavish party! Great to see old friends

Bye, bye, we had a great time sharing your new life! We will see you soon :)))

Miami winter 2023/24

Miami winter 2023/24

In Paris

In Paris