
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

End of summer 2019 in Ré

End of summer 2019 in Ré

Always a stop in Paris on our way to Ars. Meme, our dear friend and accountant from Austin, happens to be in Paris, we enjoy visiting with her for a relaxing lunch. It is very hot in Paris and people refresh themselves in the Trocadero Fountains!

Ann & Rocco have returned to île de Ré, we are so happy to see them again. After recuperating from their long flight from Texas, we hang out on the harbor of Ars and try every single bar including (virgin) drinks at the Yacht Club (Le Club Nautique to be more accurate).

We bike in the Marais, walk, go to the beach, spend time with Marie-Claude P. and of course cook. Rocco, the master baker, is teaching Pierre his pie making secrets and Pierre’s shares his Grits and Shrimps recipe (The southern US equivalent of Polenta et Crevettes)

Dominique & Jacques G. with Adeline & Frank P. are visiting our common friends Laurence et François L. We enjoy beach time and multiple lunches and diners together. It is nice to catch up with old friends!

First time for Debbie & Joe V. to visit us in Île de Ré. They loved it! Walking in the village of Ars, visiting St Martin, Trousse Chemise beach, the works….

A lot of biking with Debbie to the Lighthouse in St Clement des Baleines where they serve delicious “gaufres”. Pierre and Joe are picking figs from the tree in our garden. This has been a good year for figs, lots of tarts…

All our guests have left, the summer is slowly winding down. We still have a couple weeks to prepare for the renovations of the house starting early October…

We manage to enjoy few more sorties in the Fier d’Ars.

Bye, Bye Ars until next time!

Time to start the renovations. The construction Permit is lawfully posted. Bonne Chance Christophe D. ….

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Back Home Winter 2019/20

August Birthdays Flashbacks

August Birthdays Flashbacks