
Welcome to our blog. We document our adventures in travel, places, and people. Hope you have a nice stay!

Paris. May 7, 2016

Paris. May 7, 2016

Stopping in Montmartre from CDG to get the apartment keys from Jules, Isabelle's nephew.

Jules is a chef at La Boites Aux Lettres, a charming and very good bistro in Montmartre. 



Paris in bloom, what a lovely day to walk around and picnic! Views from our terrace:


At the Musée Marmottan where a painting from Jacques Pajou that represents my (Isabelle's) ancestors is being exhibited. This painting used to be hanged in my parents living room. We sold it to The Louvre in 2014. The painter, Jacques Pajou, was the son of Augustin Pajou who was Louis XV official sculptor. Augustin Pajou is the older man represented on the right, his son, Jacques, is in the center behind his wife with their new born (my great great great great grand father) on her knees. The painting is on loan from the Louvre during this temporary exhibition curated by the Musée Marmottan on "L'Art et L'Enfant". 


Very moving to see this family painting I saw everyday at home in my youth now exhibited in a museum next to many masters! 

Some Facebook time after so much history and culture!

Bruxelles. May 9, 2016

Bruxelles. May 9, 2016

Miami, FL. May 5, 2016

Miami, FL. May 5, 2016